Pantry Needs for March – National Nutrition Month

March is National Nutrition Month and the JFS Food Pantry is collecting foods that are of nutritional value to one’s health. Sometimes the foods that are considered the most nutritious (either by their ingredients, vitamin and mineral content, or how they are grown) are also the foods which are typically not donated to a food pantry.  

To help promote nutrition the Pantry will be collecting newly purchased shelf stable milk alternatives such as cartons of almond, rice, oat, or other nut based milks; boxed pasta made from chick peas, rice, or other vegetables; organic canned vegetables, organic beans or organic soups and broths.  Of course, the Pantry is always in need of other nutritious foods, especially whole grain cereals and small tubs of oatmeal (steel cut, regular and instant).   Donations can be dropped off at the JFS Food Pantry, 1440 Whalley Avenue, New Haven on Wednesdays and Thursdays between 8:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. or you can call (203) 397-0796 to schedule an alternative time. Questions can be directed to