Employment Opportunities

Mission:  Jewish Family Service of Greater New Haven (JFSGNH) supports and strengthens individual, family, and community life by providing a wide range of social services.  We welcome people of all ages, abilities, races, ethnicities, sexual orientations, gender identities, and faiths.  JFS is guided by the compassionate and ethical values of Judaism.

Jewish Family Service of Greater of New Haven is not recruiting for any positions at this time.

More about JFSGNH

JFSGNH traces its roots to 1881 when community lay leaders created the Hebrew Benevolent Society to provide assistance to newly arriving Russian immigrants to the New Haven area. The demand for aid was so great that additional Jewish community members established similar groups (e.g., Hebrew Charity Society, Mishkan Israel Sisterhood Philanthropic Works). In 1919, they merged to become United Jewish Charities.

Upon the hiring of a professional social worker, this former lay agency set the foundation for the current professionally staffed social service agency. In 1920, a collaborative effort with other area organizations emerged as Community Chest—now known as the United Way.

By 1940, United Jewish Charities emerged with a new name, Jewish Family Service of New Haven. And finally, 75 years later, in order to better reflect JFSGNH’s expanded outreach and community presence throughout the entire Greater New Haven region, the agency once more officially changed its name to become Jewish Family Service of Greater New Haven. Aging Adult Services are just one program of many that offer wrap around services and basic needs to people living through vulnerable moments in their lives. For a full program listing, please visit www.jfsnh.org.


JFSGNH is a licensed social service agency supported in part by the Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven. We are a member of the Network of Jewish Human Service Agencies (NJHSA).