Office Closed for Christmas

The JFS Office and Food Pantry will be closed on Wednesday, December 25 for Christmas.  For those who celebrate we wish you blessed holiday.

Office Closed – New Year’s Day

The JFS Office and Food Pantry will be closed on Wednesday, January 1, 2025 for New Year's Day.  Wishing you a safe, happy and healthy 2025!

January is the Annual “Souper Bowl” Soup Collection

JFS Food Pantry 1440 Whalley Avenue 1st fl, CT

January is National Soup Month and it’s time for our Annual 2025 “Soup”er Bowl of Caring.” During January and the first two weeks of February leading up to the televised championship football game, the JFS Food Pantry & Food Assistance Program will be collecting all things “Soup.” You can join our team to help in […]

Office Closed in Honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day

The JFS Office will be closed on Monday, January 20th in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - a Day of Service.  For more information about this holiday, please visit